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Your life story
written for you

Web Terms, Privacy and Cookies

By entering and using this web site you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated here in accordance with the law.


By entering and using this website you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated here in accordance with the law.

1. The copyright in the material contained in this website belongs to Caroline Brannigan except where it is stated otherwise. All rights are reserved. No part of this website may be copied, performed, published, broadcast or adapted, for this, or in any other medium without the prior written permission of Caroline Brannigan - Except solely for your own personal and non-commercial use in accordance with the law.

2. The copyright for all photographs and images used on this website, except where it is stated otherwise, belongs solely to Caroline Brannigan. All rights are reserved. They may not be copied, performed, published, broadcast or adapted, for this, or in any other medium without the prior written permission of Caroline Brannigan - Except solely for your own personal and non-commercial use in accordance with the law.

3. Caroline Brannigan has made every effort to ensure that all information contained within this website is correct at the time of going live, to the extent permitted by law. Caroline Brannigan shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage whatsoever, which may arise from any reliance upon, the use of or any dealings with any of the information contained in this website.

4. Mention of third-party products, companies and websites on this site is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Caroline Brannigan assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance or use of these products, vendors or information. Information is provided only as a convenience for the users of this website.

5. Caroline Brannigan makes no representation whatsoever regarding the content of any other websites which you may access from this website. A link to another website does not mean that Caroline Brannigan endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of such website.

6. Caroline Brannigan actively enforces its copyrights and intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law.


Contact the Website Owner

Caroline Brannigan





These web terms and privacy policy were reviewed and updated in June 2024

We examine our privacy policy regularly and update it in accordance with applicable new laws and guidance from the UK Information Commisioners Office.


Please take a moment to read the following to learn how we handle your personal information.

Protecting your privacy is important to us. We strive to keep your personal information confidential. By ensuring that you are aware of and understand our Privacy Policy, we can provide you with better service.

  • Gathering your personal Information

    From time to time we gather personal information from you when filling online forms or subscribing to mailing lists. If you contact us by telephone, your name and telephone number is stored.
  • Reasons for storing your personal information

    We store your personal information in order to keep you up to date with information about our services and to enable us to contact you for the legitimate purpose of running our business, e.g for replying to any enquries you make and billing.
  • Storage of your personal information

    All personal information we have is stored on our in-house database within our premises. Caroline has access to this and administers the information when required. The mobile edition of the databse is stored on a 2048-bit encripted cloud server, accessible only by Caroline.
  • Cookies & caches

    This website does not use cookies. Your computer may store a cache of the webpages you visit, you can delete this and the cookies with a simple procedure present in most browsers. For more information about cookies please click this link (opens a new window)
  • Server logs

    Our raw server logs - which contain your ip address, operating system, web browser information and records the pages and documents viewed - are archived for one month and then removed from the server. We do this so we can track unauthorised server activity as part of a business critical need to prevent fraud.
    The server also logs anonymous activity for the purpose of recording traffic statistics to enable us to view web traffic on various sections of the website.
  • External links

    This website may contain links to other sites. We do not share your personal information with those websites and are not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of those companies.
  • Sharing your personal information

    We do not give any personal information to any other person or business, or use the information gathered in any other ways than those described above. If required by law or legal process to disclose your personal information, we will do so only in accordance with the law.
  • Access to your personal information

    You are entitled to view, amend, and in accordance with your 'Right To Be Forgotten', delete the personal information we hold about you. You can email your request to


Whilst creating this website we have made every effort to ensure that all pages are accessible to everyone according to the W3C WAI guidelines.

All pages on this site use structured semantic markup.
Content has been separated from visual design and cascading style sheets (CSS) are used for visual layout.
Only relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers are used.
If your browser or browsing device does not support style sheets, the page content is still readable.
Navigation items have background changes to highlight links.
Many links have title attributes which describe the link in greater detail, unless the text of the link already fully describes the target.
Links are written to make sense out of context.
Links to external websites open up a new browser window where this is supported by the browser.
All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes. Decorative graphics include null ALT attributes.
No images are used to convey information.
No information is exclusively conveyed using colour.
Tables are only used for layout purposes if there is no other feasible way of representing the information to the required effect.


This web site can be navigated without the use of a mouse.

Most browsers support jumping to specific links by typing keys defined on the website. On Windows, you can press ALT + an access key; on Apple Macintosh, you can press Control and Option + an access key.

Access keys used on this site

  • Access keys used on this site
  • Home = h
  • How it works = w
  • About the Books = b
  • Costs = p
  • About Caroline = a
  • FAQs = f
  • See Memoirs = m
  • Contact Caroline = c
  • Terms and Privacy = t

Tab indexes are set such that the content links are in the sequence they appear on the page.

If you have any difficulty accessing any part of the site, please let us know and we will do our best to rectify the problem immediately.

Caroline Brannigan -